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My Bio


I once lived and worked in "Hollywood". We did the Christmas movie, "Prancer", the "Bill and Ted" movies, The Oscar-winner, "The Last Emperor" and movies in conjuction with Castle Rock ("When Harry Met Sally", "City Slickers", "Misery"). I got to go to movie premieres - it was fun! I was the assistant to the late Rick Finkelstein at Nelson Entertainment, who went on to become the Vice-Chair of Universal Pictures. (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/longtime-universal-executive-rick-finkelstein-641596)  This is the company at which we worked: http://www.imdb.com/company/co0020346/

I have witnessed in a brothel (although at the time I didn't know that's what it was lol I thought it was a hotel), via the internet and once bartered a "Kindergarten Cop" script I had left over from my movie days for a tank of gas in my missionary travels East of the Mississippi River.

I once led a teary-eyed Muslim kid to the Lord in front of the gas pumps at a convenience store while a truck driver there to deliver gas prayed us on. It was one of the most magnificent and gratifying moments of my life.

I never worry because I know that the truth ALWAYS wins.
My favorite Holiday is Easter-Pentecost.

I ocassionally dibble in Antiques-and-Collectibles to support my Missionary habit.
My ex-husband is a Judge.

I have been a friend of Bill Wilson's since June 10, 1986.
Sometimes people don't get my dry sense of humor; watching an episode or two of "Frasier" might clear that up for them.

I detest Pharissees


Some years back, because I love JESUS so much and wanted to share Him with others, I briefly considered changing my name (not legally). I played around with a couple of names (Genesis, Zion) & even told a friend or two to begin calling me "Genesis". I figured that if I had an unusual religious sounding name, then everyone who met me would be forced to think about Christ or the Bible. Previous to that I had been just sort of off-handedly adding "The Missionary" to my name because it was easy for people to remember. But then at some point I began sticking with the phyllisthemissionary designation in earnest.

Phyllisthemissionary is really just a nickname I use - for lack of a better name - for someone (me) who is called full-time into a free-lance, non-denominational ministry of sorts. I go into the highways and by-ways the way Paul, the disciples, JESUS and many other people since that time have done, to spread the gospel in various ways; I go on little "missions" per se - often short-term.

(This was edited from an explanation I originally wrote in the latter part of 2006.)